Archive for the ‘HRO’ Category

I Love Jack Hawkins — Conservatism is Dead (?)

April 21, 2009

Well, let’s take stock, shall we, conservatives are Right-wing extremist radicals inclined to join militias per His Royal Obamaness’ Department of Homeland Security Secretary, Janny Nappy, and most recently because we got our backs up at Congress and The One over the spendulous, omniBS and Buggerit Bills, rebuild a greater and more socialist government and country (U.S.S.A), but mistakenly mislabeled the whole thing “Tea Parties” (ooh, you ignorant knuckle-draggers, don’t you know that the Boston Tea Party was about Taxation without representation–you’re represented and, gosh, you’re getting $400 whole dollars rebate–gee, how ungrateful can you be?), we’re now racist because the whole “Tax Day Revolution” was about southern KKK tea-baggin’ racist scum! Just ask the Olbermanniac and JG, the wonder lez.

Anyway, I digress, Jack has determined that this, our cause, is all to no avail, and sites the MSM, Demoncrats, TheLEFT, BHO, the Obamafascists, and assundry “mainstream” Republicans (a.k.a. RINOs) like Meghan McCain (who put her in charge, anyway?) & her father, along with of the Elite Republican commenters; we,  conservatives, are dead as a political influence.  We just haven’t dug the grave and held the wake yet, but we might as well have.

So, please read  Jack’s obituary for us:

The Top Ten Reasons Conservatism is Dead as Disco!
John Hawkins
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

First of all, I know this column isn’t going to be popular with all the mouth breathing, troglodytic, primitive dittoheads out there. But, facts are facts: conservatives are NEVER, EVER, EVER going to get back into power again.

The mainstream media says so, legendary conservative icons like David Frum, Meghan McCain, and David Brooks say so — and, yes, Democrats in Congress who we should remember soundly beat us in November, say so.

So, I think it’s time to point out what even completely unbiased political luminaries like Chuck Schumer and Keith Olbermann have been saying since Barack Obama was elected: conservatism is done, over with, as finished as warm days in the middle of December!

1) Sure, America’s political history has been one long churning political cycle with both party’s fortunes going up and down, but that’s not going to happen this time! This time, the Republicans aren’t going to learn anything from losing, conservatives aren’t going to be inspired to take action by being out of power, and the Democrats aren’t going to get even more complacent and corrupt as they enjoy the rewards of being in power. Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid are just too smart, too sharp, and too doggone perfect to allow that to happen!

2) Conservatives are fighting with each other too much (more…)

I’m Drawing a Line in the Sand

April 16, 2009

First, let me say, I am a native born Texan, so using such an euphemism is ingrained into my DNA and apropos. I was born and raised in Abilene out in West Texas (yeah, it’s actually a separate place–especially in state-of-mind), it’s a big, little town, home to oil and ranching, cotton farming and vineyards, and friendly-to-the-extreme, God-fearin’, hard workin’, honest, my word-is-my-bond and my handshake-is-my-signature folks. It’s a huge place out there where you can drive thirty miles on a US highwayand meet one car (only) in the middle of the day; where if you come up behind a farmer/rancher driving a little slower than the posted 70 mph speed limit and certainly slower than your interpretation of that same limit, which is probably closer to 80 mph, he’ll pull onto the shoulder so you can pass safely without having to change lanes into the on-coming traffic; where we spend most of Sunday in church no matter what denomination or faith you are and we take high school football as a second religion. It’s also a place where the term Yankee isn’t meant to refer to a NY baseball team, it’s a term for someone from “up North” and someone we have a hard time understanding (not just in language) but how they think and live; so sometimes it’s a derisive term, but mostly it’s just a description. The old joke in Texas is that a Yankee is someone that lives up North, a damn Yankee is a person that comes from up North to visit, and a G-damn Yankee is someone from up north that comes down to Texas and STAYS!  BTW (in full disclosure), I’m married to one of those and she’s a real nice lady, and fortunately has lived in Texas for over 20 years so has been naturalized as a Texas citizen.

Now, all that said, I’m also an American. I served my country in the US Navy riding a submarine and have lived in many of states through my Navy days and since. Since, 9/11, I tear up and get a lump in my throat EVERY time I hear the National Anthem, and would have gladly served again in the military after if they’d had me (too old now). And what’s going on in this country right now tears my loyalties. I cannot speak to all Texans’, West or the remainder of the state (about half), politics; I can only speak to mine and y’all know what that is–just so you know, yesterday DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano confirmed (stood by the Departments assessment) that I am a frakkin’ right-wing extremist radical inclined to become a violent militia member because I am anti-abortion, anti-illegal immigration, anti-massive government and socialist spending and any number of other criteria that was listed in the assessment.

So, to the three extremist issues that are burning up the blogs (more…)

I Love Mark Steyn–Obama’s False Choice

March 28, 2009

I do love Mark Steyn and his delighful ability to entertain me whilst (couldn’t resist) trudging through facts and minutia as we must to understand HRO’s double-speak, economic gobledigook and OSBS (see yesterdya’s post). He furthers his clairfication today from NRO.

Obama’s False Choice
A “chaotic and unforgiving capitalism” is exactly what we need right now.

By Mark Steyn

Writing in the Chicago Tribune last week, President Obama fell back on one of his favorite rhetorical tics: “But I also know,” he wrote, “that we need not choose between a chaotic and unforgiving capitalism and an oppressive government-run economy. That is a false choice that will not serve our people or any people.”

Really? For the moment, it’s a “false choice” mainly in the sense that he’s not offering it: “a chaotic and unforgiving capitalism” is not on the menu, which leaves “an oppressive government-run economy” as pretty much the only game in town. How oppressive is yet to be determined: To be sure, the official position remains that only “the richest five percent” will have taxes increased. But you’ll be surprised at the percentage of Americans who wind up in the richest five percent. This year federal government spending will rise to 28.5 per cent of GDP, the highest level ever, with the exception of the peak of the Second World War. The 44th president is proposing to add more to the national debt than the first 43 presidents combined, doubling it in the next six years, and tripling it within the decade. But to talk about it in percentages of this and trillions of that misses the point. It’s not about bookkeeping, it’s about government annexation of the economy, and thus of life: government supervision, government regulation, government control. No matter how small your small business is — plumbing, hairdressing, maple sugaring — the state will be burdening you with more permits, more paperwork, more bureaucracy.

And don’t plan on moving. Ahead of this week’s G20 summit in London, Timothy Geithner, America’s beloved Toxic Asset, (more…)

Obama to get help from UN to kill US Business

March 28, 2009

Not that His Royal Obamaness, our Dear Leader, needs any more help than the Demon-crat rich Congress and  Senate to pass his business killing policies, but now will have help from the ineffectual and corrupt United Nations.

FOXNews is reporting from a 16 page “note”  that will be “distributed to participants at a mammoth negotiating session that starts on March 29 in Bonn, Germany, the first of three sessions intended to hammer out the actual commitments involved in the new deal.” The new deal being the replacement for the Kyoto Accords  and “a critical step along the path to what the U.N. calls an “ambitious and effective international response to climate change,” which is intended to culminate at the later gathering in Copenhagen.

The major thrust and hope is to turn the AGWH (Anthropogenic Global Warming Hoax) into a further American Business Killer under the United World’s auspices through even more harsh regulations, and (un)intentionally moving much of the  American manufacturing industry to far less enlightened and environmentally irresponsible nations that don’t care how they pollute or how much CO2 they release into the air;  and, by the way, have low wage hungry workforces and third-world economies.

As a bonus, the regulations that are being pushed will also restrict emissions from aircraft, specifically those that travel long distances. So, the net result will be less general recreational/pleasure transcontinental and overseas air travel. I wonder how Europe (France, Germany, Italy, etc.) feels about cutting out it’s Amercias’ and Asian tourist money. I imagine that nearly half  (if not more) of all tourist spending and a large part of their economy comes from these “dollars”–especially France, which virtually has no industry to speak of except wine (man, they have a great publicity agency that can get you to visit their country and spend vast sums of money just to be insulted for doing so).

They warn reading of the “Notes” is not recommended while driving or operating heavy equipment as it will cause instantaneous coma, but is included for those that need a cure for insomnia. This will all lead up to the replacement of the Kyoto Accords that the U.S. never signed because of the threat to our  manufacturing and business industry. Obama, with his need to Socialize America, won’t think twice about signing onto any plan coming out of Copenhagen later this year that will help kill our current energy generation and power distribution industry, and push out other businesses so that the resultant increased and exploding unemployment will ensure the need and requirement for his social engineering.

U.N. ‘Climate Change’ Plan Would Likely Shift Trillions to Form New World Economy

Friday , March 27, 2009

By George Russell

A United Nations document on “climate change” that will be distributed to a major environmental conclave next week envisions a huge reordering of the world economy, likely involving trillions of dollars in wealth transfer, millions of job losses and gains, new taxes, industrial relocations, new tariffs and subsidies, and complicated payments for greenhouse gas abatement schemes and carbon taxes — all under the supervision of the world body.

Those and other results are blandly discussed in a discretely worded United Nations “information note” on potential consequences of the measures that industrialized countries will likely have to take to implement the Copenhagen Accord, the successor to the Kyoto Treaty, after it is negotiated and signed by December 2009. The Obama administration has said it supports the treaty process if, in the words of a U.S. State Department spokesman, it can come up with an “effective framework” for dealing with global warming.

The 16-page note, obtained by FOX News, (more…)

Get out your OSBS Filters

March 27, 2009

I am a sales guy from west Texas, so I can filter bull shit when I hear it, especially when Dear Leader, His Royal Obamaness, says things like, “Our economy only works if we recognize that we’re all in this together, that we all have responsibilities to each other and to our country,” and “We’ll recover from this recession, but it will take time, it will take patience, and it will take an understanding that, when we all work together, when each of us looks beyond our own short-term interest to a wider set of obligations we have towards each other, that’s when we succeed, that’s when we prosper, and that’s what we need right now.”

Fred Barnes at the Weekly Standard calls it “pablum”, I call it Obama Socialist Bull Shit (OSBS) and requires that we don our OSBS Filters to hear the truth. Pablum is defined at Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary as, 2: intellectual sustenance, 3: something (as writing or speech) that is insipid, simplistic, or bland. It is neither “intellectual sustenance” nor “insipid, simplistic, or bland”, well, it may be delivered as the latter, but in reality it’s HRO’s way of making you think his socialist engineering and policies are achieving the successful accomplishment we want during the economic crisis. All he is really saying is that the socialist and marxist tenets that he was taught all of his life, and that he believes in, can be passed along through congressional law making and passing of his absurd and mammoth budget (that will add a trillion dollars a year to the national debt for the next ten years) without you and I, the American Taxpayers, knowing what’s happening until it’s done and too late.

So maybe this “pablum” will nurture those Obamatrons, the FarLEFT and the stupid idiots (is that redundant?) that still get a thrill down their legs at his very presence and appearance, but for me I’m donning my OSBS filter and listening straight to his line of crap, knowing that he means to continue his destruction of the American Way; our Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness; and the business model of personal responsibility and entrepreneurial capitalism that has served, grown and prospered in this country so well for over two and a quarter centuries. What he wants is the U.S.S.A., the United Socialist States of America, and he won’t stop the “pablum” for the masses until he gets it.

The language of Obamanomics.
by Fred Barnes
03/26/2009 12:00:00 AM
 President Obama insists he’s a free-market guy. But you have to wonder whether he understands how a free economy really works. His policies and his words–especially what he said at his press conference this week–suggest his sense of what makes economies grow and how people are affected by government policies is surprisingly weak.

Some of what Obama says is just pablum and isn’t supposed to be taken as serious economic thought. At least I hope not. Rather, it might be called economic morale-boosting. Nothing wrong with that, unless he actually believes what he’s saying.

 He said at his press conference, for example, (more…)

I Love Jonah Goldberg–Labor’s ‘card check’ tricks

March 24, 2009

Jonah Goldberg has it right and the most concise (if there can be any) explanation for the EFCA (Employees Free Choice Act) or Card (“Youse gonna sign that for da’ union, aintcha?”) Check in his article below. As I’ve warned, this is part of the complete steamrolling of Dear Leader’s plan to kill American business and industry. You add higher profit taxes, the cap & trade/carbon tax, the requirement that all jobs generated under the spendulus bill must be paid at union wage scale and then card check to ensure we pump up the unions membership (and thereby their coffers, automatically) where can a business in the US make a profit? This doesn’t even include Queen Nancy’s 12-15 new democrat voters/union workers when she passes the Immigration Amnesty Bill. So, you think unemployment is bad now, just wait until businesses close for one or more of the reasons above, then you’ll see the real destruction of the United States.

Just remember, HRO promised to “fundamentally change the country”. Well, he is and a majority of the American people voted him in and themselves out of their jobs to get “CHANGE”.

Proposed legislation could ‘shanghai’ workers into joining unions.
Jonah Goldberg
March 24, 2009
At the end of the 19th century, unsuspecting workers were “shanghaied” — a practice originated in that Chinese city — to work on British ships, which desperately needed the labor. All manner of tricks were used to hoodwink the poor souls into service at sea. According to one legend, press gangs, or “crimps,” would put a coin — “the king’s shilling” — in a man’s drink. If the mark drank the ale only to see the coin at the bottom of an empty glass, it was too late and he was a member of the Royal Navy.

The proposed Employee Free Choice Act, colloquially known as “card check,” might be better named “The Democrats’ Shilling Act.” It would radically revise the National Labor Relations Act, primarily by diluting the practice of requiring workers to vote for unionization via an election with a secret ballot, and by changing the rules by which a government official can force labor rules on employers — making the choice to unionize less free. Basically, under card check, labor can unionize a company’s employeesif 50% of the workers sign a card saying they want to unionize. The cards can be signed in the presence of others, including union organizers. [emphasis mine]

Indeed, the press gangs much prefer it that way.

There is a bloody spin war over whether card check abolishes the secret ballot or not. Pro-card-check forces insist that it doesn’t. Unfortunately, these voices include many mainstream reporters who consistently use the language preferred by Big Labor. They note that if 30% of the workers sign a card asking for an election, they can have one.

But this ignores the unions’ crimp tactics. For starters, the cards are written in ways that make “predatory lending” mortgages seem like paragons of full disclosure.

At the National Right to Work website, you can find an example of one of these cards. In big, bold letters on top, it says “Request for Employees Representation Election.” But after you fill out all the relevant info, then there’s the small print, authorizing the Teamsters to “represent me in all negotiations of wages, hours and working conditions.”

In other words, in many cases, workers (more…)

I Love Victor Davis Hanson–Bush Did It

March 20, 2009

With tongue placed firmly in cheek, VDH writes a column as if all the things said and done recently by Dear Leader and his regime were written under the continuing  BSD (Bush Derangement Syndrome) of the MSM and the LEFT’s watchdogs.

The point being…how are they covering HRO? Did they forget their jobs? Need I answer?

Bush Did It
What a difference an election makes.

By Victor Davis Hanson

President Bush was ridiculed today by critics of the Guantanamo Bay detention facility when he suggested that his administration no longer was incarcerating “unlawful combatants,” but was instead in the process of renaming them as mere “detainees.” The president also promised to close Guantanamo “within the year,” and added that he had assigned a “special task force” to look into the matter.

“Orwellian,” the New York Times fumed in an editorial entitled “Just Close It!”: “If the President’s Ministry of Truth thinks that his metamorphosing words change reality, then it is going to be a long four years. This latest Doublespeak comes on top of the President’s ignoring his past assertions that ‘signing statements are unacceptable’ and continuing the policy unchanged from the Clinton administration.” TheLos Angeles Times joined in, adding, “Remember that Bush promise about posting pending legislation on his administration’s website before signing it into law? Well, somehow several days’ notice has evaporated into 24 hours, and now zilch.”

Bush likewise ignored criticism that on the Patriot Act, FISA, and extraordinary rendition his current public positions were at odds with those that he ran on during the campaign. The Washington Post noted, “Here we go again with Karl Rove’s daily machinations — it is the same old flip-flopping we saw last summer before the election, when an opportunistic Bush reversed himself on NAFTA, public campaign financing, Iraq, the surge, Iran, offshore oil, nuclear power, coal plants, capital punishment, gun control, and abortion. One would think the dignity of the office might nudge Mr. Bush away from his perpetual campaign trimming. But then we have a President who seems glued to his Teleprompter and the scripted message feeding in from the right-wing attack machine.”

The Bush administration was further embarrassed when it boasted that the fundamentals of the economy were “sound” — although in its prior requests for bailout funds just a few weeks ago, it had ridiculed skeptics who countered that the economy’s fundamentals were, in fact, “strong.” Meanwhile, columnist Frank Rich complained that “In times of economic crisis here we go again with greedy and failed AIG execs — buddies of Bush’s clueless Wall Street–retread treasury secretary — using federal money to pay themselves bonuses for their rampant failure. But what do you expect from revolving-door administration officials in bed with the very corporations they used to work for? Get used to more $100-a-pound beef at the ‘let them eat cake’ White House parties, lorded over by this AIG surrogate who took more than $100,000 in their money for who knows what? Maybe Speaker Hastert can let those GM execs on federal welfare piggy-back on his private jet next time they come to Washington to beg for more of our money. These people have no shame.”

President Bush had warned the (more…)

The Final Nail in the Death of America’s Business and Industry

March 19, 2009

His Royal Obamaness, The ONE, the Left’s Messiah, Dear Leader has the final nail all cued-up to be driven home to kill the United States’ capatalist-based business and industry, ensuring the path to socialism in complete, not only through Union-controlled wages stipulated in the Stimulus Bill, but with upcoming EPA controlled, Tax & Trade Plan.

The Paprazzi President Obama has so increased the deficit with the Spendulus and the OmniBS Bills to the point that the only way out, within the next two years, will be to hyperinflate the economy with a tremendous flood–a tsunami, if you will–of  paper money backed by nothing. Stalin said (I’m paraphrasing) the fastest way to institute socialism was to kill an economy and make money worthless, and Chairman Obama, the Dear Leader is going to do just that, but first he must reduce the GDP and tax base with Cap & Trade to fight the Global Warming Hoax, rebranded the Climate Crisis by the Goracle, Al Gore, The Green ONE.

Between Queen Pelosi’s wanting to flood the workforce, and as a by-product so enlarge the Demon-crats voting base that Conservatism will never regain a foothold in national politics, with automatically newly-minted immigrants through Illegal Aliens Amnesty (the conversion would instantly create at least 12-15 Million Democrats) with help of ACORN’s control of the census, and HRO’s Cap & Trade Tax, unemployment will be so deep that we’ll never recover enough taxes to overcome all the new spending deficit.

The $2 Trillion Cap & Trade Tax/Program will drive America’s industrial manufacturing complex off-shore, so that those of us unemployed today from the high-tech community, especially the Semiconductor and Printed Circuit Board industries, will never see a job again and our ranks will swell with millions more. This belief that a responsible business manager or owner will suck it up and play this game to continue building a business in the states is a ludicrous crack pipe-dream. (more…)

Wildebeest Care is the Key to Economic Recovery!

March 6, 2009

Centered by the ever-present bronze-tinted, but opaque teleprompters (whispers among the White House Residential Staff say that before joining Michelle in bed each night, the TPs–as they call them–are arranged on either side of the Presidential bed’s headboard with a script running to the effect, “Yeah, baby! Yeah, Momma; Daddy’s got yo’ back and I cannot lie!” and “The Big O’s a gonna fix it right!”–there has been no video to confirm this, unfortunately, but keep watching to YouTube, you never know) and flanked by his Minister of Propaganda; the Secretary of the Interior, amazingly the only nominee that had paid his taxes, but expects to recoup that money through the Indian Affairs and Casinos Department; and Wildebeest Czar, Jim Folwer, the anaconda-wrestling, geriatric right-hand man, sidekick, schlub and patsy to Marlin Perkins on Wild Kingdom, President (Transparency and No Earmarks) Obama addressed the ever-so-important National Wildlife Reform Forum yesterday.

After introductions and the wait for the teleprompters to warm up, he prefaced (reading from said devices) the need for the forum with, “By a wide margin, the biggest threat to our nation’s balance sheet is the skyrocketing cost of Wildebeest care–it’s not even close.  If we want to create jobs and rebuild our economy, and get our federal budget under control, then we have to address the crushing cost of Wildebeest care this year, in this administration.” And finally, he expressed the direness of emergency, “The cost of Wildebeest care now causes a  bankruptcy in America every thirty seconds.” Gosh, who gnu?

When confronted by a reporter, that Wildebeests are not native to the United States or the Western hemisphere for that matter, and pretty much restricted to the African continent and almost exclusively to the Serengeti, and asked for the research regarding the statistics on bankruptcies caused by Gnu Care, the effervescent and bouncy, Christina Romer of the Council of Economic Czars and Rasputins (doesn’t she remind you of your old Bozo Bop Bag, the punching ballon from your childhood, or a Russian Nested Doll that you want to un-nest to see if she just disappears), she bounced and giggled, “I’m gonna [sic] to have to  check the numbers for you; I think the important thing is the idea is absolutely true.”

So, now we have another (one) expressly derived reason and cause of the Economic Crisis and the KEY to recovery–fix Wildebeest Care!

In reality, he was centered between the ever-present teleprompters, and we’re still awaiting the video evidence regarding the WH Bedroom rumors, and flanked by his minions, but Dear Leader was speaking before the Health Care Forum and indeed The Key to recovery was fixing health care.

“By a wide margin, the biggest threat to our nations balance sheet is the skyrocketing cost of health care; it’s not even close.” Followed by, “If we want to create jobs and rebuild our economy, and get our federal budget under control, then we have to address the crushing cost of health care this year in this administration.” and “The cost of health care now causes a  bankruptcy in America Every thirty seconds.”


Obama Despair Syndrome, ODS2

March 5, 2009

Comrades, er…. No! I’m not ready to go there yet.  Umm, listen folks, I’ve had a hard time the last few days trying to isolate the idea I wanted to post about–I finally decided that I’d try to squash all the latest bull hockey together, so I’ll try.

During the Bush years the LEFT, especially the FarLEFT, suffered from BDS, Bush Derangement Syndrome. The mere mention of his name, glimpse of his face or of him walking or the whisper of his voice, most specifically his wordings of speech, brought about foaming mouths, apoplectic jerking of limbs and complete spinning of heads until they popped off whereupon it would continue to spin like a top on the floor  it’s eyes bugged out with spittle and snot spraying outward infecting others nearby.

As we came to understand that HRO (His Royal Obamaness), The ONE, The Messiah, Dear Leader was not only going to win the Demon-crat nomination for President, but then the election itself, ODS, Obama Derangement Syndrome,  [see fellow WP blogger’s take, altho I have already written about it in another world, linked below: Coming Soon… Obama Derangement Syndrome] set in and rabid Conservatives  began their own version of what had afflicted TheLEFT for eight years with similar disastrous results. They claim he’s not a TRUE born American, that he’s Muslim, that this & that, and waste so much time and effort trying to stop him from taking office or, even now, trying to have him impeached, etc. instead of working to make our representatives stand up to all the Path to Socialism bills, policies and executive orders.

I came to realize since I posted last that I am beginning to suffer from OSD2, Obama DESPAIR Syndrome. Everyday when opens his mouth to say things like, “there are no earmarks!” “The Markets downturn has nothing to do with what we’re doing!” etc. my stomach shrinks and turns over, my head starts to hurt and my will to live loses just another notch on my POM, Pragmatic Optimism Meter.

You cannot turn on anything, TV, Radio or Internet without being (more…)