Archive for the ‘DHS’ Category

I Love Jack Hawkins — Conservatism is Dead (?)

April 21, 2009

Well, let’s take stock, shall we, conservatives are Right-wing extremist radicals inclined to join militias per His Royal Obamaness’ Department of Homeland Security Secretary, Janny Nappy, and most recently because we got our backs up at Congress and The One over the spendulous, omniBS and Buggerit Bills, rebuild a greater and more socialist government and country (U.S.S.A), but mistakenly mislabeled the whole thing “Tea Parties” (ooh, you ignorant knuckle-draggers, don’t you know that the Boston Tea Party was about Taxation without representation–you’re represented and, gosh, you’re getting $400 whole dollars rebate–gee, how ungrateful can you be?), we’re now racist because the whole “Tax Day Revolution” was about southern KKK tea-baggin’ racist scum! Just ask the Olbermanniac and JG, the wonder lez.

Anyway, I digress, Jack has determined that this, our cause, is all to no avail, and sites the MSM, Demoncrats, TheLEFT, BHO, the Obamafascists, and assundry “mainstream” Republicans (a.k.a. RINOs) like Meghan McCain (who put her in charge, anyway?) & her father, along with of the Elite Republican commenters; we,  conservatives, are dead as a political influence.  We just haven’t dug the grave and held the wake yet, but we might as well have.

So, please read  Jack’s obituary for us:

The Top Ten Reasons Conservatism is Dead as Disco!
John Hawkins
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

First of all, I know this column isn’t going to be popular with all the mouth breathing, troglodytic, primitive dittoheads out there. But, facts are facts: conservatives are NEVER, EVER, EVER going to get back into power again.

The mainstream media says so, legendary conservative icons like David Frum, Meghan McCain, and David Brooks say so — and, yes, Democrats in Congress who we should remember soundly beat us in November, say so.

So, I think it’s time to point out what even completely unbiased political luminaries like Chuck Schumer and Keith Olbermann have been saying since Barack Obama was elected: conservatism is done, over with, as finished as warm days in the middle of December!

1) Sure, America’s political history has been one long churning political cycle with both party’s fortunes going up and down, but that’s not going to happen this time! This time, the Republicans aren’t going to learn anything from losing, conservatives aren’t going to be inspired to take action by being out of power, and the Democrats aren’t going to get even more complacent and corrupt as they enjoy the rewards of being in power. Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid are just too smart, too sharp, and too doggone perfect to allow that to happen!

2) Conservatives are fighting with each other too much (more…)

I’m Drawing a Line in the Sand

April 16, 2009

First, let me say, I am a native born Texan, so using such an euphemism is ingrained into my DNA and apropos. I was born and raised in Abilene out in West Texas (yeah, it’s actually a separate place–especially in state-of-mind), it’s a big, little town, home to oil and ranching, cotton farming and vineyards, and friendly-to-the-extreme, God-fearin’, hard workin’, honest, my word-is-my-bond and my handshake-is-my-signature folks. It’s a huge place out there where you can drive thirty miles on a US highwayand meet one car (only) in the middle of the day; where if you come up behind a farmer/rancher driving a little slower than the posted 70 mph speed limit and certainly slower than your interpretation of that same limit, which is probably closer to 80 mph, he’ll pull onto the shoulder so you can pass safely without having to change lanes into the on-coming traffic; where we spend most of Sunday in church no matter what denomination or faith you are and we take high school football as a second religion. It’s also a place where the term Yankee isn’t meant to refer to a NY baseball team, it’s a term for someone from “up North” and someone we have a hard time understanding (not just in language) but how they think and live; so sometimes it’s a derisive term, but mostly it’s just a description. The old joke in Texas is that a Yankee is someone that lives up North, a damn Yankee is a person that comes from up North to visit, and a G-damn Yankee is someone from up north that comes down to Texas and STAYS!  BTW (in full disclosure), I’m married to one of those and she’s a real nice lady, and fortunately has lived in Texas for over 20 years so has been naturalized as a Texas citizen.

Now, all that said, I’m also an American. I served my country in the US Navy riding a submarine and have lived in many of states through my Navy days and since. Since, 9/11, I tear up and get a lump in my throat EVERY time I hear the National Anthem, and would have gladly served again in the military after if they’d had me (too old now). And what’s going on in this country right now tears my loyalties. I cannot speak to all Texans’, West or the remainder of the state (about half), politics; I can only speak to mine and y’all know what that is–just so you know, yesterday DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano confirmed (stood by the Departments assessment) that I am a frakkin’ right-wing extremist radical inclined to become a violent militia member because I am anti-abortion, anti-illegal immigration, anti-massive government and socialist spending and any number of other criteria that was listed in the assessment.

So, to the three extremist issues that are burning up the blogs (more…)

Okay, So NOW I’m a Frakkin’ Right-Wing Extremist Militia Radical??!!

April 14, 2009

Blood Pressure Alert! Holy Crap!! I thought I was going to have to take some of my wife’s BP meds and I actually did check my PB and it was significantly higher than my norm. As Glen Beck would say, I had blood shooting out of my eyes, so now Janet Napolitano owes me a new monitor–blood is evidently corrosive on LCD screens.

Drudge had this posted first (as far as I saw) and the link failed time after time to the Washington Times article–it’s better now–Now it’s Drudge’s Prime Headline.

UPDATE: My apologies, it seems Michelle Malkin had this out early this morning–probably where DRUDGE noticed it first, but who knows–but here’s her due and link.

UPDATE II: You can go to my new post to see that Janny Napolly has confirmed her stand on the assessment.

Here is the first major excerpt:

The Department of Homeland Security is warning law enforcement officials about a rise in “rightwing extremist activity,” saying the economic recession, the election of America’s first black president and the return of a few disgruntled war veterans could swell the ranks of white-power militias.

A footnote attached to the report by the Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis defines “rightwing extremism in the United States” as including not just racist or hate groups, but also groups that reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority.

“It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single-issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration,” the warning says.

I always thought that “Homeland Security” from the 9/11 Panel recommendation sounded too suspiciously like Fatherland (Nazis) and Motherland (Communists)–so how’s that DHS thinking about me and you now?  So folks, where do you fit in that criteria? I’m smack in the middle of it, so now they’re worried I’m going a militia?? Are they trying to force those of us that cling to our God, Guns and jobs/money to fear that we should join together? Well, tomorrow they’re going to see quite a few Extremist Radicals at City Halls and other gathering places trying to show our solidarity against the federal government spending money they don’t have and that they plan to take from us, our children and grandchildren. They may also find that states are starting to protect their citizens against the federal government–Texas Governor Rick Perry and our Congress are the latest to draft bills to re-establish our State’s Sovereignty under the  Tenth Amendment of the US Constitution.

Beware of the Obamafascists (ACORN) that will confront us tomorrow at the Tea Parties!

Good luck tomorrow and Stand Tall for our Rights before they’re GONE! Or else we may become the USSA–United Socialist States of America!

Read the following article and here’s the actual document in .pdf

The Department of Homeland Security is warning law enforcement officials about a rise in “rightwing extremist activity,” saying the economic recession, the election of America’s first black president and the return of a few disgruntled war veterans could swell the ranks of white-power militias.

A footnote attached to the report by the Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis defines “rightwing extremism in the United States” as including not just racist or hate groups, but also groups that reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority.

“It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single-issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration,” the warning says.

The White House has distanced itself from the analysis. When asked for comment on its contents, White House spokesman Nick Shapiro said, “The President is focused not on politics but rather taking the steps necessary to protect all Americans from the threat of violence and terrorism regardless of its origins. He also believes those who serve represent the best of this country, and he will continue to ensure that our veterans receive the respect and benefits they have earned.”

The nine-page document was sent to police and sheriff’s departments across the United Stateson April 7 under the headline, “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.”

It says the federal government “will be working with its state and local partners over the next several months” to gather information on “rightwing extremist activity in the United States.”

The joint federal-state activities will have “a particular emphasis” on the causes of “rightwing extremist radicalization.”

Homeland Security spokeswoman Sara Kuban said the report is one in an ongoing series of assessments by the department to “facilitate a greater understanding of the phenomenon of violent radicalization in the U.S.”

The report, which was first disclosed to the public by nationally syndicated radio host Roger Hedgecock, makes clear that the Homeland Security Department does not have “specific information that domestic rightwing terrorists are currently planning acts of violence.”It warns that fringe organizations are gaining recruits, but it provides no numbers.

The report says extremist groups have used President Obama as a recruiting tool.

“Most statements by rightwing extremists have been rhetorical, expressing concerns about the election of the first African American president, but stopping short of calls for violent action,” the report says. “In two instances in the run-up to the election, extremists appeared to be in the early planning stages of some threatening activity targeting the Democratic nominee, but law enforcement interceded.”

When asked about this passage, Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan said, “We are concerned about anybody who will try to harm or plan to harm any one of our protectees. We don’t have the luxury to focus on one particular group at the exclusion of others.”

Congressional debates about immigration and gun control also make extremist groups suspicious and give them a rallying cry, the report says.

“It is unclear if either bill will be passed into law; nonetheless, a correlation may exist between the potential passage of gun control legislation and increased hoarding of ammunition, weapons stockpiling, and paramilitary training activities among rightwing extremists,” the report said.
